About CelebrateFreedom.US

Welcome to CelebrateFreedom.US! I noticed Congress established an America250 Commission in 2016 to plan and orchestrate the upcoming U.S. Semiquincentennial (the 250th Anniversary) of the founding of our republic. That's great, and I wish the Commission well.

It seems to me it would be perfect for me to work on this project at the individual level. My focus is on what people are already offering on the Internet and in our towns, counties, and states. My site evolves as I research and talk to people. The Celebrate Freedom idea makes me happy, so off we go.

First, I started with a new license to the Canvas7 HTML5 template available at ThemeForest.net and created by SemiColonWeb. I’ve used this template before for other projects and obtain a license for each implementation. It lets me design responsive websites more beautiful than anything I could create by myself.

I obtained the CelebrateFreedom.US domain and am building the site with links and articles of interest to me (and hopefully you) relating to my love of our republic and fellow countrymen. This is not about politics, but rather about love of God, family, community, and country. It is about love of the freedoms we enjoy. This site is my small way of giving back and encouraging my fellow countrymen.

If you have suggestions or feedback, I welcome your ideas. Hopefully, I will be able to implement an Events page or locate the best existing options to find what's going on in our communities as the anniversary approaches. For now, stop by my companion Facebook community or Twitter feed to let us know about your events. Scroll down on this site's home page for links taking you directly to both social media accounts.

July 4th, 2026 is the target date for our anniversary, so there's plenty of time to plan. Feel free to start your celebrations early!

Perhaps some ideas for celebrations shared here will spark ideas for individuals, families, organizations, or celebration planners elsewhere. In a perfect world, I would like to connect the events to map locations so you can find events near you no matter where in the U.S. you are.

May we never give up the God-given freedoms described by our Founding Fathers in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. No matter what.

All my best,

Barb Meier, Founder and Technical Writer/Editor (see Barbmeier.com for more about my life and work in the USA).